Want more info on biking in Denver or around the state? Looking for
other references for the area?
This page is for links to other web sites that promote bicycling or
provide information handy for bicyclists. Of course, the web is always
changing. If this page lists a dead site, or there is a site you would
like to see here, please drop a message to
Glen Hanket
and I will try to add it.
SummitBiking.org - home of the Summit Biking Group, Summit County's non-profit bicycle
club. Navigate to Area Rides for mileage and elevation profiles of rides in and near Summit County.
Handlebar and Grill.com - It's THE source for mountain bike racing and
recreational mountain biking in Colorado!
Colorados's Bicycling Page - lots of links
American Trails' Colorado page provides statewide links
Cycling on Colorado's Front Range has links and information
"Shoes and Boots" lists "best colorado bike trail web sites".
TrailCentral.com - Colorado's Online Mountain Bike Trail Resource.
Fort Collins' official city website for biking
Bicycle Longmont is a volunteer group dedicated to making bicycling safer and more enjoyable
in Longmont and surrounding areas.
US36 TMO has information on the Denver/Boulder Bikeway efforts
Jefferson County recreation page
links to Coloradlo websites
Sand Creek Greenway - preserving and protecting another long slice of Colorado,
linking Denver, Commerce City, and Aurora.
Bicycle Aurora - "promoting a safe, planned, logical, and connected trail system
to improve quality of life in Aurora."
Bicycle Colorado - to promote bicycling, bike touring, and safety across the state
A Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Cycling - recommended by Will, a student in Seattle
4 2 eXplore - great site for kids to explore (links to other topics also)
NBHAA has information on classic bicycle restoration
PedalingHistory is a museum site
Franklin Institue Online - another great learning tool
National Center for Bicycling and Walking - how to help create neighborhoods and communities
where people walk and bicycle
Surface Transportation Policy Project - info on ISTEA and TEA-21
League of American Bicyclists - non-profit group of 35,000 bicyclists
American Cycling Association - (formerly Bicycle Racing Assoc of CO) Goal: to promote bicycle racing
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute - everything you need to know about bicycle helmets
BikeKidShop.com has a good article on bicycle helmets
AmericanTrails.org is working to enhance and protect America's network of
interconnected trails. We support local, regional, and long-distance trails and greenways, whether in backcountry,
rural, or urban areas.
MesoamericanTrails.com - a Spanish-language link page -
"Lista de Sitios Web sobre Senderos"
PedNet.org - a community of PEDestrians and PEDaling enthusiasts in Columbia, Missouri,
of individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life in Columbia
through the development of an integrated bicycling, wheeling, and pedestrian network.
BikesGuide.com - forums, blogs, newsletters, articles, resources
BicycleBase.com - resources and information for the bicycle enthusiast
BicycleSafe tells you how NOT to get hit by cars
TwoSpoke.com/Forum - a smorgasbord site: Bicycle Forum and Reviews for all types
of Bikes. Road, mountain, BMX, recumbent and more.
Cyber Cyclery - the "Internet Bicycling Hub"
Great Outdoors cycling page - how to's and where to go
Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP.away.com) - a great resource for all activities
Official Tour de France site
Paved bike trails across America - find some in your state!
Bike To Work.com - promoting bicycle commuting
BikeCircle.com - the Bikes Community - Bicycle Forums
Recycled Cycles - recycling bikes for northern Colorado
Cycles4Fun is a Fort Collins bike store
Sprockets & Spokes has shops in Ft. Collins and Greeley
Bicycles in Glass - Bicycles exquisitely hand sculptured in glass. A unique source for the cyclist gifts and for wedding cake tops.
Cycling Gear Shop.com - An all-purpose retailer.
IndieBike - Giordana clothing is quite popular among recreational cyclists as well as professionals for its high-quality.
XBlazing Saddles - bike rentals and guided tours in San Francisco
Fitness Ebooks - general links page
Biking Chicago Chicago links and more, from BicycleBase.com
WallMount Bike Racks and
Bicycle Parking Racks - if you want any type of bike racks, check them out!
AirTran Airways Big-50 things to do around U.S. --
bikepaths.com is listed as a reference for idea #50!
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado - join in making Colorado a better place for all of us!
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado - a fun and sassy website for active
women that shares the latest in cool gear, active apparel and awesome experiences for a wide range of activities –
running, hiking, biking, alpine sports, yoga and so much more.
Funny Bicycles - who says all bicycles should look the same? Check out the
fur bike, the skating bike, strange tandems, square wheels, and more. Feel free to laugh!
various and sundry reciprocal links
McGovern's home page
national links
Denver and Durango links
bike trails all over the place
HUGE list (alphabetic) of bike links
links for Denver, Autin, OKC, and more
various links
.. and more links
Mike's Mega Bicycle Links
Josh Putnam's Cycling Pages
Bicycle Games Online
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