
Have you noticed a pothole on the trail? Fallen trees blocking your way? Do you have ideas on important additions to the network of paths? Let the proper people know! Determine the responsible city or county, and give the planning or maintenance person a call!
Government Maintenance Planning


Gay Page
CDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Program
421 E. Arkansas Ave DTD
Denver, CO 80222
phone: 303-757-9982
fax: 303-757-9727
Gay Page
CDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Program
421 E. Arkansas Ave DTD
Denver, CO 80222
phone: 303-757-9982
fax: 303-757-9727



Ben Kiehl
Parks Superintendent
9755 Henderson Road
Brighton, CO 80601
phone: 303-637-8080
fax: 303-637-8015
Crystal Gray
Transportation Coordinator
4955 E 74th Ave.
Commerce City, CO 80209
phone: 303-637-8005
fax: 303-853-7015


Support Services
5334 S. Prince St
Littleton, CO 80166
phone: 303-795-4515
fax: 303-798-6054
Doug Rockne, Arapahoe Parks & Recreation
phone: 303-770-6746

Renee Raymond, Arapahoe County Parks
phone: 20-874-6504


Transportation Dept
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
phone: 303-441-3900
fax: 303-441-4594
Scott Robson, Transportation Dept
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
phone: 303-441-3900
fax: 303-441-4594

Clear Creek

Jim Cannady
Road and Bridge Dept
PO Box 2000
Georgetown, CO 80444
phone: 303-679-2317
fax: 303-679-2440
Berten Weaver
Community Development
PO Box 2000
Georgetown, CO 80444
phone: 303-679-2455
fax: 303-679-2440

(City and County)

phone: 303- fax: 303-
James Mackay
Denver Bicycle & Pedestrian Planner
200 W. 14th Ave, Room 302
Denver, CO 80204-2700
phone: 720-865-BIKE
fax: 720-865-3282


Curt or Chuck
100 Third St
Castle Rock, CO 80104
phone: 303-470-0140
fax: 303-688-9343
Ron Benson
Director, Parks and Trails
100 Third St
Castle Rock, CO 80104
phone: 303-660-7490
fax: 303-660-9343

Randy Burkhardt
trail planner
phone: 303-663-6226


Kim Frederick
Trails Supervisor
100 Jefferson County Parkway
Golden, CO 80401
phone: 303-271-5987
fax: 303-271-5955
Bill Kieck
Foothills Parks & Rec Division
phone: 303-409-2311



Harry Johnson
Senior Landscape
8101 Ralston Rd
Arvada, CO 80002
phone: 303-431-3020
fax: 303-431-3969
Harry Johnson
Traffic Engineer
PO Box 8101
Arvada, CO 80001-8101
phone: 303-431-3040
fax: 303-431-3969


Chris Carnahan
Public Works Department
15740 E. 32nd Ave
Aurora, CO 80010
Linda Strand
1470 S. Havana
Aurora, CO 80012
phone: 303-696-4342
fax: 303-739-7143


Annie Noble
Greenways Coordinator, Public Works Dept
PO Box 791
Boulder, CO 80306
phone: 303-441-3242
Annie Noble
Greenways Coordinator, Public Works Dept
PO Box 791
Boulder, CO 80306
phone: 303-441-3242


Parks and Recreation Dept
22 S.Fourth Ave.
Brighton, CO 80601
phone: 303-665-2089
fax: 303-665-2152

Parks and Recreation Dept
22 S.Fourth Ave.
Brighton, CO 80601
phone: 303-665-2089
fax: 303-665-2152


Steve Montoya
Parks and Recreation Dept
One DesCombes Dr.
Broomfield, CO 80038
phone: 303-464-5662
Kristin Prinz
Parks and Recreation Dept
One DesCombes Dr.
Broomfield, CO 80038
phone: 303-438-6335

Cherry Hills Village

see South Suburban
Metro District
Tim Gelston
Public Works Department
2450 E. Quincy Ave.
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80110
phone: 303-789-2541

Commerce City

maintenance, Parks and Rec
6060 Parkway Dr.
Commerce City, CO 80022
phone: 303-289-3760
Tom Acre
Parks Project Coordinator
6060 Parkway Dr.
Commerce City, CO 80022
phone: 303-289-3758


Dave Lee
Manager, Open Spaces
3400 S. Elait St.
Englewood, CO 80110
phone: 303-762-2683
fax: 303-781-2688
Dave Lee
Manager, Open Spaces
3400 S. Elait St.
Englewood, CO 80110
phone: 303-762-2683
fax: 303-781-2688

Federal Heights

--- Economic Development Department
2380 W. 90th Ave.
Federal Heights, CO 80221
phone: 303-428-3526 x228
Planning Department
2380 W. 90th Ave.
Federal Heights, CO 80221
phone: 303-428-3526 x275


Steve Lingenfelter
Superintendent, Parks Division
1470 Tenth St.
Golden, CO 80401
phone: 303-384-8140
fax: 303-384-8144
Steve Lingenfelter
Superintendent, Parks Division
1470 Tenth St.
Golden, CO 80401
phone: 303-384-8140
fax: 303-384-8144

Greenwood Village

Kathy Pate
Parks Planner
6060 S. Quebec St
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
phone: 303-468-1548
fax: 303-290-0631
Kathy Pate
Parks Planner
6060 S. Quebec St
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
phone: 303-468-1548
fax: 303-290-0631


Rod Tarullo
Director, Parks and Recreation Dept
1700 Avalon
Lafayette, CO 80026
phone: 303-665-4206
fax: 303-665-0987
Rod Tarullo
Director, Parks and Recreation Dept
1700 Avalon
Lafayette, CO 80026
phone: 303-665-4206
fax: 303-665-0987


Bob Manwaring
Public Works Department
445 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226-3105
phone: 303-987-7984
fax: 303-987-9452
Ross Williams
Facilities Planner, Community Resources
445 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226-3105
phone: 303-987-7814
Bob Manwaring
Public Works Department
445 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226-3105
phone: 303-987-7984
fax: 303-987-9452
Allen Albers
445 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226-3105
phone: 303-987-7984


see South Suburban
Metro District
Charles Blosten
Director, Public Service & Comm'y Development
2255 W. Berry Ave.
Littleton, CO 80165
phone: 303-795-3863
fax: 303-795-3707


Gene Kraning
Park Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Dept
747 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501
phone: 303-651-8447
fax: 303-651-8759
Paula Fitzgerald
Project Coordinator, Parks and Recreation Dept
747 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501
phone: 303-651-8448
fax: 303-651-8759


Parks and Recreation Dept
749 Main St.
Louisville, CO 80027
phone: 303-666-6565
fax: 303-604-9560
Parks and Recreation Dept
749 Main St.
Louisville, CO 80027
phone: 303-666-6565
fax: 303-604-9560


Nestor Fedak
Manager, Parks Planning and Construction
11701 Community Center Dr.
Northglenn, CO 80223
phone: 303-450-8839
fax: 303-450-8708
Jerry Starling
Director, Community Development Dept.
11701 Community Center Dr.
Northglenn, CO 80223
phone: 303-450-8831
fax: 303-450-8708


City Maintenance
9200 Motsenbocker Rd.
Parker, CO 80134
phone: 303-840-9546
fax: 303-840-8241
Dennis Trapp
Planning Dept
Parker Recreation Center
Parker, CO 80138
phone: 303-841-4500
fax: 303-841-3223


Andy Jennings
Parks and Recreation Dept
2211 Eppinger Blvd.
Thornton, CO 80229
phone: 303-255-7840
fax: 303-538-7856
Scott Twombley
Planner, Parks and Recreation Dept
2211 Eppinger Blvd.
Thornton, CO 80229
phone: 303-255-7845
fax: 303-538-7856


Rod Larsen
Supervisor, Open Spaces Dept
4800 W. 92nd Ave.
Westminster, CO 80030
phone: 303-430-2400 x2556
fax: 303-650-0380
John Carpenter
Director, Community Development
4800 W. 92nd Ave.
Westminster, CO 80030
phone: 303-430-2400 x2121
fax: 303-538-7856


Margaret Paget
Parks & Recreation Dept
7500 W. 29th Ave
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
phone: 303-423-1122
Margaret Paget
Parks & Recreation Dept
7500 W. 29th Ave
Wheat Ridge, CO 80215
phone: 303-423-1122



Marv Ornes
Gen. Superintendent of Maintenance
1900 31st St.
Denver, CO 80216
phone: 303-299-6926
Kent Epperson
RTD Bike and Ride Coordinator
1600 Blake St
Denver, CO 80202
phone: 303-299-2223

Sand Creek Greenway Project

N/A Amy Pulver
Stapleton Development Corp
phone: 303-393-7700

South Suburban
Metro District

Rocky Williams
Supervisor -- Grounds, Trails, & Athletic Fields
6631 S. University Blvd
Littleton, CO 80121
phone: 303-795-9856
fax: 303-347-6963
Bill Woodcock
Manager, Planning & Construction
6631 S. University Blcd
Littleton, CO 80121
phone: 303-798-5131
fax: 303-798-3030

Highlands Ranch
Metro District

Parks and Open Space
62 W. Plaza Dr.
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
phone: 303-791-2710 x219
fax: 303-791-3047
Brian Muller
Open Space
62 W. Plaza Dr.
Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
phone: 303-791-2710
fax: 303-791-3047

Denver Water
(Highline Canal)

Bob Taylor
Recreation, DWD
1600 West 12th Ave.
Denver, CO 80204
phone: 303-628-6524


N/A Ben Ortiz
DRCOG Transportation Planner
2480 W 26th Ave, Ste 200B
Denver, CO 80211-5580
phone: 303-480-6739
fax: 303-480-6790