The inveterate author-adventurer Glen Hanket is preparing once again to put his two wheels on the road, traveling across the land, speaking to students and adults about the country, the environment, and pursuing their dreams.

This page references for Glen's speaking career.

A Word about Spam

In a perfect world, I could provide an automated link that would automatically open a window to compose your email, with the address filled in. The reality is, when anyone publishes an address in the familiar '' format, web spiders find it and add it to the lists used by spammers. As a result, well over 90% of the emails received by 'glen' at is garbage (with a recent emphasis on emails using Cyrillic [Russian] characters) - but I must weed through it, since I need the rare jewel that does pop up.

Contact Info

Glen's email is ghanket at . You can also send email to glen at , but I may not find it immediately, as I don't check it as often. NOTE: please do not send me any attachments without clearing it with me first!